Friday, August 24, 2012

He may not know it, but he IS the Love of my Life!

I met Jason quite a long time ago. It was September 12th 2003. Funny thing we were supposed to be a one night stand. We met on an AOL chatroom in August of 2003, but took a while for us to actually meet up.When we did, I was nervous. Nervous as hell! Never had I ever been with someone as cute as him. I had never done anything like "hooking" up with someone. Just wasn't my style. Made me nervous. I think I was scared about the whole HIV thing that was spreading like wildfire. That stopped me from sleeping around. At this time, cocktails (not the drinks) had made a huge impact in the gay lifestyle, and Gays started to have unprotected sex once again because they though it was a possible "Cure" for the disease. But thank goodness, because of my beliefs, I never came down with the disease myself. 45 years old and clean!!
     Jason and I made our relationship official on Christmas day, it was the cutest thing. We were at the Edge Bar at the time, he took me downstairs, started to cry (I hope in happiness) and asked me to make it official and be his boyfriend. I said Yes of course! This Christmas, December 25th 2012, will be our 9 year Anniversary!! I couldn't be happier! It's a great accomplishment these days for gays to be together for 6 months! But nine years? Crap, that's like 50 years in straight years!
     As any couple we do have our problems. We do argue at times, but more like an old Married couple would bicker at each other. We take care of each other in different ways. It's a give and take relationship. There are times when I would like to strangle him when he makes me so mad, and he probably feels the same way, except he would pull a Dynasty and throw me in a lily pond, or possible push me down a flight of stairs. But that doesn't change the way I feel about him.
     We have done a lot together in the past nine years, went to a LOT of concerts, been to Florida Twice together, Numerous Pride Parades and market days in the city of Chicago and the List goes on. The biggest thing we have done together is Purchase the bar where he first asked me to be his boyfriend. We purchased the Edge on December 24th, 2007 the Day before our anniversary. We changed the name to Club Krave. Now, that we have purchased this bar, we barely see each other, it is overwhelming, I work a full time job 50 hours a week, him 40 hours or less a week, plus we do what we do for the bar to keep it up and running. It's tiresome!
     Even though there is a lot of stressful times we have had together, especially now that we own Club Krave, there are a lot of great things we have done together that balances things out. Someday, I hope to get Married. I hope to be able to call him my spouse, instead of my partner, my other half, my significant other, my Just kidding! He is my Wonder Woman as I hope I am to him his Superman. I have never cheated on him, strayed away from him, and would never hurt him in that way. I hope he would feel the same way. I love you Jason Howell, and I hope we grow old together and at some point, we can look back at what we achieved together, our business, hopefully a family, children, grand children, and just be proud of each other for what we accomplished in life!

                                                                        Love you always and forever,

                                                        Until next time.........

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