Wednesday, September 7, 2016

A Cheating husband

     Well, It has been a while since I have posted anything here on my blog. There is a reason for that and I will now explain....

     About a year ago, my husband out of the blue had asked me for a divorce. Took me and everyone that was around, by surprise, when he yelled it out at the top of his lungs while doped up on Aderal and drunk on liquor while we were at our friends wedding. Surprise!! He had been having an affair with another guy a little younger than him named Bob Clasby. He was a newly, out of the closet, still living at home with mommy and daddy gay, who would do anything for Jason, and wait on him hand a foot. Mind you, I worked 70 hours a week, different hours than my Husband did, and I was also going through a severe depression because my sister, that I spoke about who had cancer in an earlier blog, died. It hit me hard. So I wasn't there for Jason emotionally or physically. The only thing I knew or cared about was waking up, eating, going to work, sleeping , and shitting. Nothing else mattered. That is how big of a dark hole I fell into. It didn't matter to Jason. So he ran away from the problem to find comfort elsewhere, instead of maybe grabbing me by the hand and saying,"Babe, we are going to the doctor. We need to get you out of this funk." Nope just ran off and found the next dick that possibly had a thing for him and had sexual contact with him. How's that for better or worse?

     Now, flash forward a year....
I have been through counseling, got myself together and am feeling better everyday. I had even for the past year, told my husband that I was willing to look past what happened, due to the circumstances and that he didn't know what to do. During this time I had separated myself from him and moved back with my parents for about 5 months.

     What's happening today.....
I have for the last year, worked on myself, got my credit straightened out, secured a new place (for my husband and Me) because Jason was claiming personal bankruptcy because he let the bar get way behind on bills, and behind on the lease. Racked up all the credit cards and ended up being $160,000.000 in debt. Now mind you, he is going to lose his house. So like I said , I secured a place for us to live as a family. Little did I know that the relationship with Bob Clasby, was going to continue. He came over to OUR house when and stayed there, he stayed the night (Jason claims he slept in the spare room on the Futon which I think isn't the truth) and the continued to go out together and hang out. It's funny I asked Jason for 2 hours a week on the days I was off because he said with this bankruptcy and his BIG shows he was always busy so I said,  "Either Monday or Tuesdays." I couldn't even get that. But he had time to do other things with friends and Bob and didn't seem to be busy then. He was able to push everything aside for them, Just not for me.

     What I have noticed in the past year, that my husband has narcissistic personality traits, and that Bob Clasby has obsession and possessive traits. You can tell what I am talking about by looking at Bob's Facebook page (see the inserted pictures of him and Jason.) Well all I can say is Bob has his nose so far up Jason's ass that Jason is just loving it. And Bob loves it too because he gets to throw it in my face. "Ha! Look at me, I got your Husband and you are still married, I WIN" That's the mentality. I swear it takes every ounce of energy not to rip his face off every time I see him!! I know I would just get in trouble.

     The present here and now......
I have filled out the divorce papers and went to the court house to try and File them but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I sat in my car for 1.5 hours and did nothing but cry. I had 2 people come up to my car and ask me if I was ok. Of course, I told them Yes, but truly I wasn't. I was hurting inside. Something inside was tugging at my heart and I just couldn't go through with it. I was hurting, and I was hurting bad. I decided to go home and try another day. I just wasn't ready.

     Ironically, 2 weeks ago, Jason told me that he and Bob were just friends and that is all they were was friends. Now, Bob has posted that he and Jason are in a relationship. After 2 weeks? That proves my point that Jason was nothing but deceitful and had lied to me for the past year. They had been having an affair for the past year, while Jason lead me on this whole time because he didn't want to lose his health insurance. That's ok, because Karma is a bitch, and she will come for her revenge!!

So this is where I am at in this point in my life. Being strung along, lied to, and just being treated awful. I feel like there has to be something going on in Jason's life because he is not the same person I have known for the last 12 years.

     Until next time......