Saturday, September 10, 2016

Bring on the Flux Capacitor...

     Oh to go back to the Future!!
There have been so many days that I sit on the couch and just wonder.....what if I COULD go back in time? What would I change? We all want to be rich, but what would I do to get there? We all want to be famous in one way or another, how would I get there? The friends we choose as time goes by, would I choose the same people again if they crossed my path. If I was to fall in love again, would it be with the same person, or someone I was with in the past that I let slip away? So many what ifs......Life is really strange as you get older. There always seems to be what ifs. What if I started working out in High School instead of smoking pot every day with friends? Would I be as big as Stallone? Like I said, A lot of what ifs.....
     The one thing that we can do as we get older, is take those what ifs, and turn them into realities today. If you want to be popular, make a name for yourself some way. You want to be rich, use that brain power and figure
out how.We, as adults, need to sit down , and make goals for ourselves. Write them down, Then check off each one as we complete them.
     What it comes down to is the only person to blame for the lives we have today, is ourselves. We have always been in control. But we choose to play the victims. You don't like your job, get another one. You are not happy with the person you are with. End it, move on, and let love find you for once. Stop looking for it all the time. It will avoid you.

     Well, I have to get ready for work...until next time, here's to going back and doing it right the second time around!!


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