Monday, February 26, 2018

5 Reasons To Hire A Personal Trainer

If you are new to exercising and need motivation or instruction, hiring a trainer may put you on the proper path to fitness.

1 /
You Are Totally Confused
The landslide of fitness routines and diet plans on the market can flood your sensory receptors. It is tough to narrow down a program and commit to it, especially when you really don't fully understand how to do it. If you are having a hard time choosing or figuring out how to perform your routine, then it is time to call a trainer. A good trainer will put you on the right path to success. 

2   /  You Have Stopped Making Gains                                                                                                                                                                                                                                If you have been training for a while and you are not satisfied with the results you have achieved, then you need a trainer. A trainer can dissect your training routine like an investigator at a crime scene and make the appropriate changes to put you back on track to faster results

3 /
You're Unsure About Your Form
One of the easiest ways to stifle results is to use poor exercise form. You can work out day-in and day-out, but unless you perform your exercises correctly, you won't see the results you long after.
Bad form can cause a serious injury. A trainer can teach you good form and exercise habits that will last you a lifetime. Many beginners should hire a trainer for the first week, so they are taught proper exercise form from the start.

4 /
You Need To Be Challenged

Exercise plateaus are often difficult to overcome by yourself. Many people just can't find a way to surmount a plateau without the help of a professional trainer. You can save a lot of time and wasted energy if you hire a trainer when you hit a fitness plateau.

A trainer can put together a personal workout plan that will take you over the hump and onto new results-Fast!
5 /
Injuries & Special Needs
If you are injured and/or have a specific illness, then your doctor and trainer can work together to make sure that your training routine is effective, but safe at the same time. Working out is supposed to create better health, not impair you further.

It is an absolute must that your doctor and trainer work together if you are injured or have a specific illness that requires medical attention.

Hiring a Trainer?

Make sure you ask him/her about the following:

  1. References: Check with the gym he/she works out at and any past clients. You don't want to wind up working out with Charles Manson.
  2. Certification: What organization did he/she get his/her certificate from? Make sure it is a reputable organization and not a $1.99 Internet certificate.
  3. Payment: How does he/she take payment? You might be able to get a discount on a package of 10 or 20 sessions. Just be careful; thoroughly check references before spending any money.
  4. Training Philosophy: Ask your trainer what he/she thinks is the best way to get you in shape. If you are not on board with their training methods, you will not be happy training with them. You also might be stuck flipping tractor tires at 6 a.m. or running up hills with a weighted vest.
  5. Appearance: If your trainer is out of shape, then ask them why they are not in shape. They don't have to be cover models, but they should practice what they preach. If they are overweight or out of shape, then how are they supposed to motivate you?

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Are You a Realist or a Romantic?

Realists try to accept other people as they are, without insisting on improvement. They focus on making their relationships run smoothly and do not demand or crave fireworks. As a result, their romantic life tends to be stable and predictable, yet not particularly passionate or exciting.
Teddy is a realist. He grew up with a depressed, and emotionally withdrawn, and now looks for closeness and connection in his relationships with men. At the same time, his love affairs lack spontaneity and excitement. Emotional stability and sexual monotony eclipse experimentation and surprise.
But Teddy complains that his romantic relationships become dull. And he blames his boyfriend (Which was me) for their joyless, lackluster romantic experiences. What he doesn’t realize is how precious this stability is to him—even when it borders on boredom.
By contrast, romantics value and pursue spontaneity and surprise. Some romantics are so afraid of boredom and repetition that they refuse to commit to one person. Me being a gay man in my fifties, prides myself on being an incorrigible romantic. My ideal partner is a charming intellectual with the body of a fitness model, and I refuses to settle for anybody less than my fantasy man.  Romantic love should not be sullied by bickering about household chores. Unfortunately, that perfect relationship remains a figment of my imagination and I struggle very bad with loneliness.
Reconciling reality and fantasy
People often realize it would be a good idea to keep one foot in reality and the other in romantic fantasy. But how do you do that?
Whether you are a romantic or a realist, it's tempting to look for a partner whose personal qualities complement your own.  However, the same traits that were attractive in the beginning: “he was so fun and romantic” or “he seemed so grounded and reliable” can become the source of tension and frustration as time goes on.
Teddy and myself both turned to therapy to make sense of this struggle. We were told to examine our roles in romantic encounters; roles often outside of our conscious awareness. As we explored our habitual--and often overlooked--ways of thinking about the romantic and realistic traits in ourselves and in each other, we were asked them to consider the following:
  • Explore the romantic and realistic streaks in your personality both as gifts and potential limitations. For instance, idealizing your lover's beauty and cleverness can make a romantic relationship more exciting and less likely to become boring. However, you may be ignoring red flags, such as a partner's inability to make or keep commitments.
  • There is always a tension between the need for routine and stability on the one hand, and desire for surprise and spontaneity on the other. The same romantic or realistic traits that are so attractive in a partner at the beginning of a relationship can become the most bothersome as time goes on. 

    And it must have become bothersome for him because he left. Left because he was afraid of losing himself instead of being there for me when I was going through one of the hardest times of my life. He said he was mentally exhausted and tired. Then left me for the last time to deal with everything , in an empty house, where my brother dies, and is nothing bu silence and disturbing. But to think about it I was too, exhausted, when I helped with my sister when she was going through cancer for 4 years and eventually passed away. Ironically, my-ex husband left me during THAT time because I wasn't there for him emotionally or Physically (As he put it), while I was suffering from depression watching my sister slowly wither away. Not one time did he suggest I go for help. Wait, I take that back...he did. He said "Go see a fucking doctor!"

    Maybe it's about time I become a realist and realize that all gay men are nothing but PIGS!

How to Survive (and Win) a Gay Breakup

One: Don’t pick up the phone.
Here's a hot tip just for you: Breaking up with someone is not easy. It’s just not! Us gays, with our propensity for the dramatic, might wish that when a relationship ends we'd become Destiny's Child and emerge from the tear-stained sea, decked in camo, reborn strong and independent "Survivor"-style, but realistically you're going to be a complete fucking mess.
Human beings are predictable creatures. Some of us can shut out our emotions. Others become crying wrecks, locking themselves in their bedrooms, listening to Adele deep cuts (shoutout "Million Years Ago") and eating pints of Häagen-Dazs. Regardless, you're bound to fall into some of the well-worn trappings that are part and parcel of breakups.
All that said, here's how to avoid becoming another dumped-or-dumpee stereotype and alleviate that sniffly, unnecessary suffering when it becomes clear that the man of your dreams was just another person who didn't know how to wash the dishes properly (ugh), never took out the trash (who's the real trash here?), and always used the last of the milk (it was almond, it was expensive, and he never replaced it).
Don’t Pick Up the Phone  Put your phone down right now (or, if you're reading this on your phone, once you're done, please and thanks, appreciate your patronage). There's too much temptation to stalk an ex on social media, send needy text messages when you're feeling lonely and wanting, or answer a call from your ex that’s resulted in the two of you seeing each other, only for you to fall into bed and have sad and confusing breakup sex. So a little louder, for those in the back: PUT. DOWN. YOUR. PHONE.

His Friends Are Your Friends—Until They Aren’t

Given that we queers like to stick together, it's likely that you and your ex-boyfriend's circle of friends will integrate. Figuring out those friendships post-breakup is a pain in the ass. Likely, there'll be a custody battle. I KNOW THIS FIRST HAND!!!!!
If you're looking for a clean break and really don't want that shady thing you said about your ex getting back to him, it might be worth figuring out who's truly your friend from the mish-mashed mob. Either that or you could be bold and ghost the whole lot of them. Why not? It's your damn life. And that' exactly what I did.

Keep His Old Sweater

If it fits you and you like it, there's no reason not to keep it, full stop. Just because your relationship is over doesn't mean you need to give him back his sweater—unless he asks for it. Then it's just bad manners to keep it hostage, we suppose. Of course, if you've followed rule one and kept your phone at a distance, you might never know that he's asked for his sweater back. See? Continuity, my dear friends.

Have an Escape Plan (or Just...Be Aloof)

The worst thing has happened: You've gone out to a bar and your ex is making out with some horrible rando in the corner. How do you react? Do you plot an escape plan so that neither will spot you and avoid the tears, tantrums, and about 10 years' worth of embarrassment that'll play over and over in your mind for the next decade? (This, my friends, is how I have been known to act.)

Or do you remain aloof, soldiering through and exuding resilience? How about this: Stick around at the bar. If your ex sees you, that's fine; he might slink away embarrassed at this extreme case of PDA. Or perhaps the two of you might exchange pleasantries and you'll both get on with your night. In the words of Mary J. Blige, no more drama.

No, You Don’t Need to Eat Pray Love (Like, Please Don’t)

I've watched Ryan Murphy's adaptation of Eat Pray Love, starring Julia Roberts, about six times this year (someone help me). But if there's one thing that film has taught me, it's that nobody EVER needs to eat-pray-love. They have monasteries, possibly beaches, and pasta close to home. Just eat alone, you carb slut.

Indulge in Some Sexual Sorbet

If you're a flagrant rule-breaker, you'll have picked up the phone because you can't help yourself (wow, so disappointing). Make it up to me, and use your cell phone to call someone...else. Get yourself a palate cleanser, a scoop of sexual sorbet of sorts. No, hear me out on this: Reaching out and dipping your toe back into the sexual waters could be exactly what's in order. Have a fling! Who doesn't love sorbet?

Be More Robyn Than Sam Smith

Failing all the above, I believe you can choose to live your life in two ways: You can either emulate Sam Smith, lamenting loves lost with sentimentality, or you can choose to be like Robyn. Robyn takes her broken heart, shoves on some ginormous glittery shoes, writes a banging pop song, fires up the laser lights, and dances through her pain. So when the sadness comes knocking, you might be all on your own. But isn't it better to be dancing and on your own?

Gay Men: 10 Warning Signs Your Boyfriend May Be Cheating

Something Seems Off

Lately, you have been getting the feeling that something is not right with your boyfriend. He seems emotionally distant and doesn't pay attention to you like he used to in the past. At night, he wants to go right to bed and doesn't want to cuddle.
Suspicious that he may be up to something, you start to do a little snooping and pick up his cell phone to see who he has been texting. To your surprise, he has the phone locked with a password, something he never did before.
You think to yourself,
"Is my boyfriend cheating on me? Why has he been acting so strange? Does he not find me attractive anymore?"
Finding out your boyfriend is cheating on you can be devastating for any person, gay, straight or bi.The pain becomes amplified when we have convinced ourselves that "he would never do something like" that or if we have been cheated on in the past.
Ten Warning Signs
What follows are 10 major warning signs for gay men that may suggest that your man may be cheating on you right behind your back. And with the exception of a few points, these warning signs can apply to anyone really.
Some of these warning are obvious. Others however are ones you may not have thought of before and should not be ignored. The list is not exhaustive. The first 5 contain follow up details. The remaining ones require you tune into your intuition and empathy.
Disclaimer: Asses these warning signs in their totality. You need to look at the total picture to better understand if your boyfriend is cheating on you.
OK, let's jump right in!

1. He’s Paying More Attention to His Appearance

This is a sign that many partners of gay men miss. Historically, gay guys pay attention to themselves in a big way and so it can be hard to know if your man is doing something unusual. There are a few indicators you should be aware of however.
First, look to see if he is making any new purchases for clothing items that are different than the brand he usually buys.
Men who cheat often try to impress a new love interest by looking sharp. Many will start to buy clothes that the other guy is wearing to reflect a common interest.
Third, pay attention to the amount of time he is spending grooming. Does it seem like he has been trying to look especially sharp? You need to ask yourself who he is doing this for. Is he shaving areas he normally does not?
Finally, ask yourself if he has been spending more time at the gym—this is especially true if he never seemed as interested before in fitness. Again, you need to add all of these points up for this warning sign in order to get a clear picture of what’s going on with your man.

2. He Smells Like a Bathhouse, Poppers, or Sex

This too is another point that is often overlooked by many gay men when it comes to a potential cheating boyfriend. There are a few things in this area you want to look out for that you can’t ignore. First, ask yourself if he smells different when he comes home at night than he did that morning. It could be for normal reasons, like taking a quick shower at the gym. It could also be because he grabbed a shower at another guy’s place. Again, you need to really pay attention to this.
If your man is going to bathhouses, be sure to take an extra whiff of him to smell for chlorine or other chemicals that may suggest he has been in whirlpools. If he has been in a sauna, sniff for a woodsy, pine scent. If you smell anything of this, go through his wallet to see if he has a membership card. The card probably won't say "baths" on it so you may have to do some investigating if you find something suspicious.
Finally, take a good whiff of your boyfriend to see if he smells like sex. This means his body and his breath. The smell of sex has an easily recognizable odor. If you do it right, you may be able to smell the other guy (or guys!). The odor of poppers needs to be included here as well, particularly if your man does not use them or has never smelled like poppers before.

3. He Has Rehearsed Responses and Becomes Suspicious of You

You may be thinking this is a silly point but pay attention. If your man is usually laid back and mellow, you should be concerned if he starts to provide lots of extra detail about his whereabouts in ways that he never did before. If his words seemed rehearsed, they probably are.
Also under this point, if he seems like he is becoming suspicious of you, it may be a sign he is cheating. Yes, you read that right.
In psychology, this behavior is called projecting. In other words, he starts to accuse you of the very behaviors he is engaged in. A number of men who were cheated on shared that had they paid attention to this singular point more closely, they would have figured out their man was sleeping around long ago. Don’t ignore this one!

Has the following ever happened with you:

4. He Is Emotionally Distant

This may be a very obvious sign but you will want to include in your total assessment of his behavior. If he doesn’t seem to be paying attention to what you are saying, seems like he is “somewhere else” mentally or seems emotionally disconnected from you when you are having sex, this may be a strong indication that he is cheating on you. And obviously, if he is not interested in sex with you over a long period of time, you need to be concerned.
There are of course other reasons for this to happen, such as work related problems, family issues or health concerns. He could also just be depressed. Still, here you will want to look at his historical behaviors in totality to figure out what is going on.

5. He Is Super Protective of His Phone, Email, and Facebook Account

You may be thinking this is an obvious point but it is worth mentioning. If your man gets real edgy whenever you are around his phone, tries to hide the fact he is texting someone, hides his emails from you or begins to block your view from seeing parts of his Facebook account (like his Friends list) alarm bells should be going off big-time.
We can also include Twitter and any other forms of social media that he may commonly use. The point here is to be aware of how he behaves around you where tech gadgets and electronic communications are concerned.
If he was once chilled about this area in the past but has now become crazy protective about what he is doing electronically, this is a strong indicator that your man is digging for treasures elsewhere, leaving you in the dust.

More Potential Warning Signs

  1. He seems super happy all of the time in a very “not like him” way and for no apparent reason.
  2. Major changes in musical tastes that are a departure of what he normally listens to.
  3. He starts to jokingly mention the end of your relationship (it's called "floating a trial balloon").
  4. Unexplained bills or overnight traveling that seem out of character for him.
  5. He has stopped introducing you as his boyfriend (i.e. "this is my friend").
Final Point
Pay attention to your inner voice—it is almost always right. Most of the men who have been cheated on knew something was going on but ignored the warning signs and were in denial about what was happening right in front of their noses. Don't let this happen to you. As my therapist onvce explained it to me, that little voice we hear cannot be ignored. Don't discount it as paranoia.
And remember, you have to pay attention to all of his behaviors. This will help you determine if your man is a big time cheat.

Gay Men’s Relationships: 10 Ways They Differ From Straight Relationships

1. Money– Gay male couples can have a lot of conflict around money. Statistically, white men tend to be relatively high earners. The sexism that women only earn a portion of what men earn, for the same work, extends to both gay men and straight men. It’s hard to find a gay male couple where issues of competition don’t come up, whether regarding physical appearance, social influence, or income. When money issues arise in gay male relationships, I believe it’s because all American men (and elsewhere) are still, even in our oh-so-modern times, expected to the “breadwinners.” White men, especially of middle class or higher socio-economic status, are socialized to “getting their way,” enjoying a social privilege (whether they want it or not) among all demographics. Gay men of color face a dual challenge in managing social reactions and pressures from being both gay and people of color, and also gender expectations. There are many potential pressures to face and overcome. Straight men face a lot of social pressure, still, to earn more than their wives. Conversely, a straight man who earns less than his wife can feel humiliated, jealous, or dejected (from both women and other men), all from society’s strong and ubiquitous messages of what it expects from men – it’s not even up for discussion or conscious awareness; it just “is.” So when two gay men form a relationship, issues of each partner competing to be the breadwinner often arise. It’s like some kind of pissing contest. There can also be an irony that the older, higher-earning partner can be the sexual bottom role in the relationship, and it’s in the bedroom where issues of power, control, and dominance can be “played with,” reversed, or expressed. In every gay male relationship, there is overt power, and there is covert or “passive-aggressive” power. How these dynamics are expressed, and the conflicts that can result, are often the impetus for entering couples therapy.
The gay men that I know, are often from mixed cultures or different nationalities. I’m not sure why this is; I really don’t think it’s because gay male couples “have more problems” than straight couples, or even that cross-cultural gay couples can’t get by without couples therapy. Maybe it’s that the cultural differences add an extra layer of challenge that can be a source of conflict. But it also adds an extra layer of mystery, excitement, exoticism, and fun. But along with cultural differences, such as language, food, spirituality, traditions, and habits, can be cultural differences about money. So, in couples therapy, differences and conflicts that arise about money issues on the surface are really differences in culture, even just differences in “family culture” in the family of origin, even if both partners are the same nationality/ethnicity.
Couples therapy helping a gay couple resolve conflicts about money often involves my helping the partners to understand that this is not a competition, or that one partner must dominate or be declared the “winner.” Rather, it’s about helping the men understand that their household is not two “I” that live under the same roof; it’s about forming a “we.” Forming a “we,” where each partner is a 50/50 stakeholder in the relationship, can be hard for men, because in general men are taught to “control” and “dominate” from the time we are little boys in ways that they don’t even realize that they’re doing it
Unlike straight couples, who (up until relatively recently) had the monopoly on legal recognition of their relationships (before domestic partnerships and marriage equality laws), gay men were treated by the law as two unrelated individuals under one roof, especially for legal and tax purposes. Straight married couples are socialized to “blend” their money more readily, and they have their parents’ example and subtle heterosexist behavioral modeling to follow (from everything from feature films, to television, to commercials). They are more likely to have joint bank accounts, joint tax filing, and automatic rights of survivorship on everything from 401-ks to Social Security survivor benefits – and they have for generations. Gay men are socialized to think more individually, and the idea of “blending” their two individual incomes into one “household income” once they are coupled is a kind of mental and emotional hurdle that only softens with increased time and trust.
Couples therapy can involve brainstorming, identifying, evaluating, and implementing specific money management plans in the household so that both partners feel like they are making an equal contribution, even if there is a vast difference between Partner A and Partner B’s incomes.
2.Sex– Gay male couples tend to approach sex differently. We all know that gay male couples are much more likely to entertain the idea of, or even be in, a non-monogamous relationship. Part of this is cultural and historical; part of this is the nature of men’s sexuality in general (hey, truth be told, MANY more straight men would be non-monogamous if given the opportunity by their wives, as I have learned from being around straight men, and some (just like gay men) take that prerogative even if it’s directly violating a monogamy agreement). Gay men are much more likely, in general, to only “not” be appalled at the idea of another person (man) having sex with their partner/spouse, but to be turned on by it. Gay men have a greater capacity (in general) for “sport sex,” and less about foreplay; they can separate sex from love more easily. Without a woman’s particular sexual makeup in the equation, it changes the sexual equation. You really can’t directly compare a straight couple’s sex life with a gay male couple’s sex life. Some things just don’t “translate” culturally, physically, socially, emotionally, etc.  By validating to a gay male couple that their sex life must be discussed not only “apart” of any heteronormative expectations, but also independently of even OTHER gay male relationships they might know of, the couple can be reassured that the decisions and practices they make are unique and customized to them. There is no one proper “cookie-cutter” sex life for gay male couples that fits all.
While this is also true for straight couples, issues of monogamy, frequency, type of sex, the “vanilla-versus-kink” spectrum, BDSM, and even time management discussions differ. While this is not necessarily unique to gay men, a big factor can be finding time for sex, when often both partners are busy, high-level executives or professionals who work extraordinarily long hours or have jobs that require frequent travel.
3. Household Chores– Perhaps surprisingly to a non-clinician, the issue of how to equitably and fairly divide the list of common household chores can be frequent topic in conjoint therapy. While modern straight couples sometimes like to pretend that they are oh-so-liberated, in reality, in many (or most) cases, the woman is subtly expected to, and ends up doing, the majority of the household chores related to keeping things clean, organized, in good repair, supplied, delivered, monitored, and humming along in a domestic household. There is certain quality of “Mrs. Hughes” from “Downton Abbey” in even the most liberated modern wife and mother, because, again, men are still SO socialized against these things in favor of the “primary breadwinner” duties being outside the home, or the more physical/mechanical duties of the house, car(s), or yard. Even straight couples who buck this are often very much aware, either with themselves or with other people’s reactions, they are indeed bucking the “tradition” (societal expectation). So, when two gay men form a relationship and have a domestic component to their lives, there can be friction about who does what, and who is “expected” to do what. There are no “traditional” gender roles to point everyone in the “right” (I mean that facetiously) direction.
There should be a Master List of Required Household Chores be written down, which is exhaustive and comprehensive. Who pays the bills? Who does the cleaning? Or, who supervises the cleaning? Who mows the lawn? Or, who pays the gardener to mow the lawn? Who supervises the gardener? Who changes the light bulbs? Who cooks? Who cleans up? Who grocery shops? Who picks up the dry cleaning?  Often, making a list and then discussing how to divide it can be a discussion at home, or in session. If one partner is a physician and works at a hospital 60 hours a week, and the other partner is a dancer who has many more hours free at home, how much more of the household chores is the dancer “expected” to do?
The key to this is often “what ‘feels’ fair” in a concept where both partner
s are expected (somehow) to be making a very subjective “equal contribution” to the relationship.  The challenge is trying to achieve a sense of “fairness” without one partner feeling humiliated by too much “domesticity,” which can be seen as an emasculinization, but why? That sounds like it’s right next door to misogyny, that something associated historically with “women’s work” is somehow also associated with menial, humiliating work, as opposed to a necessary and vital component of having a clean, sanitary, healthy, comfortable, and aesthetically-pleasing home. In counseling, sometimes issues of sexism need to be identified and processed out, and issues with family-of-origin where perhaps one partner saw his mother abused by his father, and those dynamics “carry over” into that partner being especially sensitive about “dominance dynamics.” These things are the emotional issues that underlie very practical chores that need to be done for a household (even with no kids) to function.
4. Kids– It’s really only been relatively recently that gay male couples have had more and more social support for having kids, either through fostering, adoption, or surrogacy. And, yet, gay men can certainly have a strong paternal instincs as adults. Gay male relationships where there is a parenting factor involved differ from straight relationships mostly in that same-sex parenting needs extra support.  While straight couples are still, in this day and age, “expected” to have children (with pressure from parents, siblings, peers, etc.), gay male couples are “expected” not to. There is also no such thing as “accidental” pregnancy and parenthood in a gay male relationship. And, a discussion of “gender roles” in terms of responsibilities and chores comes into play. When I observe straight couples with children, Many chores just “automatically” go to the mother, without any apparent discussion that fathers can also do some things that previously were the sole domain of mothers. For gay fathers, there are no gender stereotypes to “guide the way,” so the division of duties has to be discussed from automatically a more socially autonomous standpoint.
5. Family– In gay male relationships, the role of one of the male partners in taking care of aging parents can be an issue, similar to straight couples. But in family relationships with the “in-laws” in a gay male relationship, there can sometimes (not always) be differences in how the in-laws react to “the gay thing.” While some in-laws can be hostile to the man or woman their family member marries, for all kinds of reasons (ethnicity, religion, socio-economic status, nationality, etc.), the stakes are higher for gay male relationships because there just seems to be at least one serious homophobe in every family. Gay men in relationships are called upon, in general, more often to set limits and confront any overtly or subtly hostile behavior toward their partner/spouse. This puts an extra pressure on gay male relationships that straight couples can have, but it’s not as likely. Fortunately, for most of the gay couples , there have been surprisingly few seriously hostile in-law conflicts. More often, the son-in-law is treated as a full member of the family, which is a nice thing to be able to say about the current times we live in. In counseling, any issues of family member conflict can sometimes be addressed through role-plays, role reversal/rehearsal, and even family therapy.
6. Work– In gay male relationships, it seems to be more accepted, overall, that work often “has to come first.” Busy male executives, straight or gay, have been socialized that it just “comes with the job” to work later nights, weekends, or even on vacations. Sometimes gay men in relationships capitulate to work/bosses and give more of their time than straight husbands and fathers do, which can be a very (very!) subtle form of internalized homophobia, where a gay male will fail to set limits with work, but a straight father will set limits on leaving a meeting early to be at his kid’s school play that evening or to meet his wife for an anniversary dinner.
This, in couples work, making your relationship work on Four levels: 1) emotionally; 2) physically (including your sex life); 3) domestically (see above); and a fourth area that I call “managing The Other.” Sometimes gay men in relationships must manage anyone who is “The Other” who undermines their relationship: an intrusive in-law, noisy neighbors, flirtatious twinks in clubs/bars/social events, or a boss who doesn’t respect his/her employee’s personal time (especially when said boss would respect the personal time of a straight employee, cuz, you know, their relationship “counts” more).
7. Fun– Fortunately, one huge and consistent benefit in gay male relationships over straight ones is that gay couples consistently demonstrate a youthfulness, playfulness, and sense of fun, especially with peers but also alone with each other. Dancing in clubs, going on gay cruises, having sexual three-ways, attending charitable events, experiencing dining adventures, celebrating birthdays/anniversaries in creative ways, elite athleticism, indulging pets, doing pristine home improvements, world travel, and exploring nature are just some examples. While this is common to affluent gay male couples, even middle class or working class gay couples seem to have an extra sense of discovering fun, creative pastimes. Some of this could be just the economic privilege that comes with dual “male” salaries and no kids, but I also think it’s because gay men tend to have an adventurous, creative, youthful (even “age-inappropriate”), and exuberant spirit – and when both partners have these traits, the things they dream up to do together can be extraordinary.
8. Stimuli– Similar to the above “fun” element, even if sometimes considered “age-inappropriate,” gay male couples often have a more liberal approach to things that stimulate and challenge them, particularly physically. This can even include substances of all kinds – mostly alcohol, but also recreational drugs or even exotic foods or “trendy” diets. Men are physically larger than women, so they can go through a lot of alcohol and food at events (hence the stories of the first all-gay cruises running out of alcohol on board!). Whether this is a “good thing” or “bad thing,” I do think gay male couples have a particularly broad “tolerance” for indulging. A friend of mine once said that he believed gay men had particularly-evolved critical thinking skills. He said that if we can go through all the soul-searching and challenging societal “expectations” enough to come out when we are young, we can never again approach much of anything without the ability to examine it very critically, and weighing the risks and benefits of just about anything (from substances, to charity athletic challenges, to extreme recreational sports) and thinking/acting for ourselves.
9. Appearance – Unlike straight couples, and similar to the above competition about money, gay men have an inherent sense of “male competition” when it comes to physical appearance, like the preening male peacock or even the “Adonis complex.” Men in general (straight and gay) are just more “visually-oriented” than women (hence the popularity of the billion-dollar porn industry). While two gay men might love one another in their relationship, they will still subtly compete with one another to others, like most males in the animal kingdom. How many times have we seen gay community examples where one partner “has the money” and the other partner “has the looks”? This can be a certain mutual benefit, but it can also be a source of competition or even resentment of what the other has that he lacks. We want to make ourselves attractive to each other, but we also tend to want to be recognized and admired in our own right by others. This can at times be unhealthy, but there is such a thing as a reasonable or “healthy narcissism.” Everyone likes to be told that they look good, or that a new outfit or haircut suits them. Straight couples aren’t judged by a direct, same-gender comparison by their friends the way gay male couples are. Traditionally, women face more “pressure” than their husbands or boyfriends to look good; women face constant pressure to “look good”, especially as they age. In gay couples, they are expected to look good as a “handsome couple” and in direct comparison to each other as the same gender. Some gay male couples work out together, share clothes, serve as each other’s “stylists,” and debate the latest/most effective grooming products. One of the biggest criticisms of modern, urban gay male culture is that it is one big relentless “beauty contest,” which at its worst can provoke eating disorders, Body Dysmorphic Disorder, steroid abuse (as opposed to reasonable, medically-supervised use), self-consciousness, and a warped perspective of personal worth (“I’m beautiful, therefore I’m good”/”I’m over 35, therefore I’m worthless”). For gay male couples, loving and accepting the self individually and in context of each other, and society at large, can be a challenge.
10. Politics– I think gay male couples are just simply more affected by politics, changes in laws, and changes in society than straight couples are. We hear in the news almost every day something that could potentially change our legal status, and straight couples don’t tend to be affected by laws almost daily like that. Every state that legally embraces marriage equality affects gay couples in that state positively, while other states that (to this day, even after the Supreme Court ruling) fight tooth and nail to undermine and de-legitimize same-sex marriages, up to and including the “religious freedom” right to discriminate, affect gay couples negatively. When we watch the evening news, or read news outlets online, they are often talking about us as gay men. Most straight couples do not wake up every day to the news of some idiot Republican politician or religious conservative (usually “Christian”) pundit calling them vile names and advocating for their legal and social demise, and we do. That just puts an extra stress on the day, in addition to the fact that the Internet service provider is down or that the cat just threw up grass on the carpet. Gay male relationships need to identify other couples (gay or straight, but particularly other gay male couples) who can be part of their “collective support system” in the face of such negative and seemingly ubiquitous rhetoric. Gay male couples tend to be more politically aware, and even more politically active (attending protests, writing letters, attending fundraisers, observing boycotts, making donations) than straight couples, because their rights and existence are challenged every day these days with a certain urgency and immediacy that straight couples are generally spared. With all the stressors on gay male relationships, from gay community dating and sexual “drama” and all the political “culture wars” going on, nationally and globally, it’s a wonder gay male relationships form in the first place, let alone endure, and happily.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Why does Love have to play games with the heart?

Why does love have to play games with the heart?

This is something I have been asking myself from the time I could understand what being in Love meant.

But there comes a time in Life, where there is one special person, that after a while when you have been hanging around them, you both realize "The spark" that happens when you both first touch each other in a certain way and you both feel at at the exact same time. LOVE! Falling in love. It's true that one that feels that can be afraid of that and would not be able to admit it. Maybe because they never had that feeling before, or have never truly been loved by someone to where they feel that in their heart.
     Teddy was one that felt that way. After 3 months of being together, he always said he didn't want to be in a relationship. The problem with Teddy is he did everything, and treated me like we were in one. It made me eventually fall in love with him. Then the Surprise. He asked me to be his boyfriend, and of course I said yes. It was great! And that was a BIG hurdle for Ted to get over doing. Because he said he couldn't be in a relationship. But a week later, Teddy broke it off because he felt overwhelmed due to the fact he was worried about me because I just dealt with having my brother Pass away in my home. Which, Teddy was the first one by my side when it happened. He checked up on me, came to stay over at my house to make sure I didn't feel lonely. While all this was going on, Theo started not doing the things he loved to do. Friends, the gym, and what ever extracurricular activities he may have been involved with. He was losing himself. He was exhausted. Because of me. It broke my heart...HARD!
Well he has left me, and said good bye and wanted to be left alone. Which means I will never see him again which hurts because he saved my life. I lost him forever and it was my fault. My heart aches, and I don't know how to recover from this. But it will have to be just part of my recovery.

     Theo, all I can say I miss you, and love you and I understand. I'm Sorry!

"Your Superman"

Sunday, February 26, 2017

The Birth of Liam Steele

     Hey there friends!!
It's been a while since I have written in my blog. A lot has happened since then. Geez, what can I tell you? Well, my ex is still a lying officious prick. His new Boyfriend is a sneaky, squirmy, lying homewrecker. But he's just like my ex. He will manipulate a situation however he can to get what he wants. A perfect couple!! They can use each other and abuse each other mentally until the end. They deserve to be happy together. :)

     Ok Back to my Birth!.... Liam Steele. I created Liam because of my job. My employees have been trying to search me out on Facebook and other social media, so I changed my name so they couldn't find me.

     Now, Liam Steele was a fun name so I decided to use it further, for my personal training endeavors. That was going to be the name of my business, "Liam Steele Personal Training". It just sounded right.That all because I started working out over a year ago because I was considered Obese. Yes the Dr said I was in obese mode. No, I did not say beast mode, I said obese mode. That's when I knew I needed to get into BEAST mode. So I signed up at a gym, and worked my ass off. Let me tell you it payed off!! I am now in the process of becoming a personal trainer, going to open my own business for personal training, and at the same time, help myself get into better shape. Sometimes I think I am crazy!! Especially at 50. But age is a number. Yes, we will all die at some point, but why not prolong it? If I can be healthy, physically fit, and able to get around no problem, I want to live to be 100!!

     So, starting in June, I will be Launching "Liam Steele Personal Training" That is the target date. I am excited to start this new way of life, and be happy. FINALLY BE HAPPY. That's all I wanted before with my husband. But it wasn't enough for him. His Loss!! All I have now is the future and the Future is mine!!